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St Giles' C of E Primary School

MUNTJACS (Year 5 & 6)

Muntjacs is our Upper Junior Class for Year 5 & 6 children.


The move into Muntjacs signifies the last phase in the primary school journey at St Giles’. We find that in these two years children make significant progress bringing together the skills and knowledge that they have acquired. There is a focus on leadership within this class with roles such as House Captain, Buddies for Reception children and School Council helping to prepare children for the wider world beyond St Giles’.

Each week has a time table incorporating a daily English and Maths lesson, two PE sessions, a 30 minute French lesson, a music lesson with our specialist music teacher and topic based work. Handwriting is focused on developing pen skills, making the transition in their work from writing in pencil to pen.


Expectations of spelling are high and children are taught dictionary and thesaurus skills which help them to be more independent in their writing.


Projects covered in this class include; Space, Polar Regions, Biomes, World War II and Vikings.  Muntjacs also go on a residential trip, most recently to the Isle of Wight.  This provides the opportunity to develop independence as well as to tackle some adventurous activities such as abseiling.


The transition to Secondary School starts in this class with the whole class visiting for specialised lessons such as having a ‘resistant Materials’ lesson or using the science laboratories, or dance studio.  Year 5 go for a taster day in the summer term followed by transition days in year 6.  By the time the summer ends, everyone is ready to take that next step to whichever school children move on to.


For all the latest Muntjac news visit our Class News page:


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