Muntjac Class News (Year 5 & 6)
Week beginning 15.11.24
Week beginning 8.11.24
Week beginning 25.10.24
Week beginning 18.10.24
Week beginning 11.10.24
Week beginning 4.10.24
Week beginning 27.9.24
Week beginning 20.9.24
Week beginning 13.9.24
W/C 3.6.24
Sports Day has been a real focus all week in Muntjacs. They really helped organise the event: planning races, creating banners, making posters and programmes. They had a great day yesterday; everyone showed great perseverance, even though sports might not be their favourite thing. The Year 6’s did an amazing job to help run the event and made the whole day run really smoothly.

W/C 13.5.24
Muntjacs have absolutely loved doing 3D modelling in Computing over the last two weeks. They have used a programme called Tinkercad to design a range of different things. I was so impressed with how quickly they picked things up, considering they’d never used it before!
W/C 6.5.24
Muntjacs really enjoyed learning about song ingredients in Music. Using the piano, we worked together to learn some well-known hooks. Can you recognise any of the melodies?


W/C 29.4.24
Muntjacs really enjoyed learning about the stages of fossilisation. I was so impressed with their research, as well as the creative way in which they presented the information.

Muntjacs also did some work on the Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhism. We had a really great discussion about how so many of them (understanding, kind actions) link to other religions. I think they look really cool!

W/C 25.4.24
Muntjacs celebrated Earth Day by doing some stunning pointillism art work. They used cotton buds dipped in paint to create the Earth. They also wrote some excellent shape poetry about their favourite creatures.
W/C 15.4.24
Muntjacs have really enjoyed learning about adaptation in Science this week. They did some lovely work on how living things adapt to their habitats.
W/C 18.3.24
For Environmental Science with Miss Sharp, Muntjacs created Easter gardens. Our main focus was to represent Jesus’ burial in the Easter Story. First, we distributed an even layer of soil. We used the soil to form a hill, and inserted crosses, which we’d made using sticks and string. We planted flowers, rosemary and thyme to create the garden element. A flower pot was used to represent the tomb, with stones for a pathway that leads to the entrance.

Our Easter gardens got us thinking about Jesus’ burial and inspired us to create some artwork too. Using charcoal and oil pastels, we created striking images of Jesus’ tomb.

W/C 11.3.24
Muntjacs continued their focus on Computing this week and moved on to working with spreadsheets. They collected data from adults around the school about the first single they ever bought (this was very interesting!) Then, they had to input the data and format the cells e.g. text, date, duration, currency.
W/C 26.1.24
Muntjacs have blown me away with their amazing coding skills in Computing this week! They have been learning about variables in games and have done absolutely brilliantly.

W/C 12.2.24
Muntjacs have been working really hard in Maths this week. They have been using counters to support their understanding of multiplying and dividing decimals.

W/C 5.2.24
Muntjacs carried out an investigation as part of their Science work on soluble and insoluble substances. The tested the effect temperature has on the time it takes sugar to dissolve in water. They also did some brilliant write-ups! Our next step is to calculate averages and draw tables to represent our data in Maths.

Muntjacs also did a follow-up to our last celebration assembly. We analysed the ‘teacher chat’ for the subjects that were mentioned and then found equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. We even drew pie charts to present their findings!

W/C 29.1.24
Muntjacs did a Maths lesson as part of RE this week. We studied statistics about religious views across the world. We then had to convert the percentages to fractions and decimals.
The Year 5’s had a great time at Forest School too!

W/C 22.1.24
Muntjacs produced some excellent work in RE this week. We looked at the concept: What is good? They collected images of people who had demonstrated real compassion and also spoke about some of their own experiences.

They’ve also continued to show great enjoyment in Maths. They had lots of fun playing a ‘501’ darts number game. They also worked on fractions, decimals and percentages in fun ways too: completing a ‘favourite sandwich’ survey around the school!
W/C 15.1.23
Muntjacs did another outdoor Maths lesson this week. We used the resources around us to represent different numbers and fractions. It was a really fun way of investigating number and was great to be outside!

W/C 8.1.24
Muntjacs have made a really bright start to the new year! In Maths, we've been doing more enquiry-based tasks: we looked for fractions in a 'Guess Who' board and used coffee recipes to learn about ratios. In History, we did some excellent work around the influence of the Ancient Greeks. We created mood boards and then presented them to the class, explaining what our pictures show and the impact the Greeks had on modern times.

W/C 27.11.23
Muntjacs have been creating their own religious art as part of their enquiry into Byzantine icons. Their objective was to use appropriate colour, symbols and images to represent meaning. Next they will be writing about their art to explain the choices they made.
W/C 13.11.23
I’m really proud of Muntjacs this week, as they’ve really thrown themselves into bar modelling (and pizzas)! We found that we tend to get far more correct when we use visual representations to help us. It’s made some very tricky fraction work much easier.

Year 6 had a great time at Forest School too!

W/C 6.11.23
Muntjacs were inspired by Squirrels’ shape poems last week, so we did shape prayers for Remembrance. We also made this poppy, which includes the names of the soldiers from the parish who lost their lives in the war.

Muntjacs also made their own Maths worksheet! They had a lesson to research the coolest number facts they could find. Then, we collected the best ones and made our own worksheet. The following lesson we ordered and compared the numbers.
Did you know that 28,650,000 pineapples are grown each year?!
W/C 30.10.23
Muntjacs had a real focus on Geography this week and learnt about biomes and climate zones. We even came up with a mnemonic to help us remember the main types of biome. It came in very handy when doing our Pop Tasks!
We wrote some excellent reports and also worked on the important skill of note-taking, whilst watching a video about grasslands.
W/C 16.10.23
Muntjacs have been looking at Haiku Poems by Karla Wendelin. A Haiku is a three-line poem, consisting of seventeen syllables, split 5-7-5. Can you guess some of the mystery fruit or vegetables, which we have written poems about?
Long shoulders, slim hips The slushy mush in
Stop sign, stop light, santa, gem The furry elephant skin
Sweet and sour, yum Black bullets in green
By Liah By Elliott
The slushy mush in Little seeds like bombs
The furry elephant skin Good hard shell, squishy inside
Black bullets in green Edible frogspawn
By Elliott By Ivy
Spiky and bright gold Juicy, fluffy flesh
So juicy, no seeds in sight Covered in a royal cloak
Green mohawk covers all Hiding a useless stone
By Caitlyn By Oscar
W/C 2.10.23
Muntjacs have really enjoyed History this week. We created Explorer timelines and then did information pages on Neil Armstrong, Leif Eriksson, Christopher Columbus and Amelia Earhart. We then took a deeper look at Columbus, in preparation for some Pop Tasks. Using Google Forms, we wrote own own quizzes and tested each other!
W/C 25.9.23
Muntjacs did some fantastic work on classifying animals in Science. We even did a Maths lesson on it where we used Venn diagrams to group animals by observable characteristics.

Year 6’s had a great time at Forest School again this week!
We also did some work on a kindness poem for an assembly follow-up. I was very impressed with the presentation!
W/C 18.9.23
Muntjacs have worked incredibly hard in Maths this week. We introduced the use of counters and place value grids to help us compare and order numbers more effectively. We discussed how using practical methods can help us to deepen our understanding and it certainly did the trick!

W/C 3.7.23
Muntjacs did lots of work towards in Spirited Art this week. It included watercolour paintings, charcoal sketches, oil pastel drawings, poetry, collages and even bar charts in Maths! We will be presenting lots of this work for Open Evening, but here is a little sneak peak at some of it.

W/C 26.6.23
Muntjacs had some excellent Maths lessons this week, where we explored the relationship between different sets of times tables. We really enjoyed being detectives and finding different patterns.
For example, when you multiply a number by 9, you can the digits in your answer together and it also makes 9. It works all the way up to 11 x 9. E.g. 2 x 9 = 18 (1 + 8 = 9), 3 x 9 = 27 (2 + 7 = 9), 4 x 9 = 36 (3 + 6 = 9), 5 x 9 = 45 (4 + 5 = 9).

W/C 19.6.23
Muntjacs continued their work on Spirited Art. They made viewfinders to highlight certain areas on the art work of Andrea Strongwater. Then, they used a new technique called 'Sgraffito', which involved building up layers of oil pastels and then scratching it off to create the detail and pattern.

W/C 12.6.23
Muntjacs continued with their Spirited Art and began re-creating ‘Helibronn Exterior’ by Andrea Strongwater. She is an artist, who is interested in places of worship in war-torn areas.

As part of a PE session, we also wrote some Mathematical word problems based on Sports Day. It was great to get some Maths into another area of the curriculum!
W/C 5.6.23
Muntjacs enjoyed designing their own seasonal menus in Design Technology this week. They certainly did a great job in creating delicious sounding items!

They also did some excellent sketches of wrens, swifts and kites as part of an assembly follow-up.

W/C 22.5.23
Muntjacs enjoyed some Computing sessions on Vector Graphics this week. We created a huge range of drawings including: a futuristic cityscape, a STAR WARS character and a Spitfire (inspired by our trip to Duxford). Imogen even created a word problem for us to solve in Maths!

W/C 15.5.23
Muntjacs did some fantastic writing on the story of Guru Nanak for RE. This gave us great background knowledge to move on to a deeper discussion around the importance of Sikh stories today.

Muntjacs also did some brilliant research on Albrehct Durer in Art. They began analysing the techniques he used and what inspired him.

W/C 1.5.23
Muntjacs enjoyed writing their poems for the poetry plane this week. These will be scattered over France to commemorate the lives lost in conflict. Tristan was so enthused by the flight simulator, he made this model at home!

Muntjacs also finished their watercolour paintings of King Charles for our window decoration.
A special mention to the Year 6 helpers, who did a great job getting the school ready for the coronation.
W/C 24.4.23
We began unit on ‘The Anatomy of Art’ by studying the ball-and-socket technique for figure sketches. In preparation for our coronation decorations, we started using this new skill to sketch King Charles III.

W/C 17.4.23
Muntjac Class enjoyed writing diary entries this week for another Young Writers competition. It was quite a challenge as there was a 100 word limit! We will be sending them off to see if they can get published.
I particularly liked Neive’s embedded clause. 'As he started to speak, his voice dull and worried, we all knew the news was bad.'
We also celebrated Earth Day by writing poetry about miracles of the natural world. I was very impressed with Carter's poem, which was beautifully presented.

W/C 27.3.23
In the lead-up to Easter, Muntjac Class have been thinking about Jesus in the Wilderness. He was tempted by food, wealth and power. We started thinking about things that might tempt us in our day-to-day lives. We thought about the metaphor of life being a ladder. The rungs are our temptations and the things we must try to resist to reach our goals. It also inspired Ella to produce an amazing sketch, which was used on our Easter Service programme.
W/C 20.3.23
Muntjacs had a great time with Owls at Cambrdige Mosque and Botanic Gardens last week. It really was an amazing trip! We did some follow-up work this week, writing recounts and trying to recall information from our tour of the mosque. I was SO impressed with the presentation!

W/C 13.3.23
Muntjacs did some excellent art work, inspired by Salvador Dali’s surrealism.

Jack produced some fantastic homework on the Silk Road trade route.
We also did some amazing reports about Savannahs. A special mention to Finley, who is making incredible handwriting progress!

W/C 6.3.23
In Science, Muntjacs began their experiments on different types of resistance. They have already started to identify things they would do differently next time. They’re thinking like scientists!

In English, we have been studying the devices used by Malorie Blackman. We then wrote our own pieces, full of suspense, in that author’s style. We focussed on using features like repetition, ellipsis and a cool word removal technique.

W/C 27.2.23
In Geography, Muntjacs did some lovely work on the layers of the rainforest. They drew some excellent diagrams. They stuck them in their books as flaps, so that they could lift them up to show more information hidden underneath.

W/C 20.2.23
Muntjac made some board games based on The Silk Road, a trade route in Early Islamic civilisation.
W/C 6.2.23
Muntjacs did some excellent work for Safer Internet Day on Wednesday. They had lots of useful discussion and then produced some fantastic posters. They also did some lovely writing, describing Anne Frank’s secret annexe.

W/C 23.1.23
Muntjacs had a busy week with lots of different fun activities. We played Top Trumps to help us learn about fractions, decimals and percentages and had a great PE session where we worked on our Rugby throwing and catching skills.

W/C 16.1.23
Muntjacs were inspired by the work we’d seen from St Andrew's, so we looked at doors and how they can be seen as opportunities. This also fed into our assemblies, where we thought about the opportunities we have in school. Opportunities that some of the less fortunate don’t get. Every child in the school filled in a feather with their thoughts, which is going to form a dreamcatcher. This will be used for a whole-school display, centered around Send My Friend to School: 222 million dreams, the charity project that focuses on children across the world that don't get an education.

W/C 9.1.23
Muntjacs have been using bar modelling in Maths this week. It has really helped to deepen their understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages.

The Year 5's also did a PE session and some buddied reading with Hedgehog class, whilst the Year 6's were at swimming.

W/C 2.1.23
Muntjacs have been looking into an initiative called "Send My Friend to School: 222 millions dreams" this week. It represents charities working in the UK in global education, who are seeking to persuade the UK government to pledge £170 million to the fund. We discussed the issue and were shocked to learn that so many children don't have access to education. We then recorded our ideas on paper and made an information board. We also recorded audios expressing our views, which can be listening to by clicking the following link.
W/C 5.12.22
Muntjacs have enjoyed a range of tasks this week, as well as working really hard in their rehearsals for the upcoming Christmas Concerts. We have done lots of Coding and had great fun with a Christmas-themed app where you get Santa to perform a dance routine!

W/C 28.11.22
Muntjacs have worked incredibly hard on their fractions in Maths this week. They have continued to use bar modelling to support their understanding, which has really helped. We also did some work on the Aztecs and what life was like in the city of Tenochtitlan. The presentation in their books has been outstanding!
W/C 21.11.22
Muntjacs continued learning about electricity is Science this week. We made circuits using wires, cells, bulbs, buzzers and motors. Then, we applied our understanding to help us draw circuit diagrams using recognised symbols.

W/C 14.11.22
Muntjacs did some brilliant work on Frame Structures in Design Technology this week. They worked on different ways to extend straws and different ways to create corners. A special well done to Finley, who made a great link to some art work we did recently. He compared some of the frame structures to the work of architect, Zaha Hadid.

W/C 7.11.22
Muntjacs created some lovely art work this week, using a painted background and a silhouette. They then wrote Remembrance prayers to commemorate the people that lost their lives in World War One and Two.

W/C 31.10.22
Muntjac Class produced some sensational projects over half-term and we had a great time sharing them this week. The children were very excited to show them off and it was pleasing to see that the enthusiasm generated by the planetarium visit has inspired their learning. Thank you very much to parents for supporting with this - it makes a real difference!

W/C 17.10.22
Muntjacs enjoyed their visit from the Wonderdome Planetarium on Tuesday. It was absolutely brilliant - the children (and adults) had a great time! They were really enthused by all the images, videos and information. They were especially excited that it included a section on the James Webb telescope - a NASA mission that the entire school became interested in when it launched last year.

W/C 10.10.22
Muntjac Class made a start on writing their own stories this week. We used our class novel, 'Holes', as inspiration and will be sending our finished stories to the author, Louis Sachar.

W/C 3.10.22
Muntjacs held a Press Conference regarding the arrest of Stanley Yelnats (in the book, ‘Holes’). Some of us were journalists and others were key characters from the book. We asked questions of Stanley, his father, the policeman, the judge and (baseball player) Clyde Livingston. We had to record their answers in note form and then turn them into direct and reported quotes for our newspaper reports.

W/C 26.9.22
We have been working on journalistic writing this week. We started by looking at a good example of a newspaper report and collected examples of the features. We explored modal verbs and how they were really useful for rhetorical questions. Then, we wrote a range of opening paragraphs and tried to include rhetorical questions.

W/C 19.9.22
Muntjac Class really enjoyed our Earth and Space Day on Thursday this week. We learnt about the movement of the Earth and Moon, producing explanations and reports, supported by illustrations and diagrams. We also created mood boards, collecting evidence that shows that the Earth is approximately spherical.

W/C 12.9.22
Muntjac Class did some practical place value using acorns this week. We then applied these skills to an independent task back in the classroom.

W/C 5.9.22
Muntjac Class have made an excellent start to the new school year. The Year 6's have really led by example and enjoyed meeting their Hedgehog buddies, and our Year 5's have really hit the ground running! We have enjoyed some really exciting practical learning this week. This included a grammar game of 'Snap!' where we had to find pairs of verbs and adverbs, and a fun Maths lesson where we had to make Roman Numerals using matchsticks.

MUNTJACS 2022/23
W/C 6th June 2022
The Year 6's in Muntjac Class had 'Bikeability' this week. The instructors were so impressed with their behaviour and how well they did! They are preparing an assembly for next week, where they will be teaching the rest of the school about how to stay safe when riding a bike.
W/C 23rd May 2022
Muntjacs have been making their own board games and finished them this week. They designed a board and created Grammar and Maths questions for them. We have given them to Squirrels who will be playing them soon.
W/C 2nd May 2022
Muntjacs have been inspired by Pop Art recently, so we decided to use this style to create grammar posters.
W/C 25th April 2022
Muntjacs have produced some fantastic writing this week. We started by playing a talking game, which involved describing characters from Narnia using ambitious vocabulary. We followed this with a writing session and the outcomes were excellent.

W/C 18th April 2022
Muntjac class have been learning to measure angles with a protractor. We used masking tape to create angles on tables and then recorded measurements using whiteboard pens.

W/C 28th March 2022
Muntjac class are really passionate about looking after the environment and came up with the idea of creating posters to encourage people to switch off lights and turn off taps. These posters are now displayed around the school.

W/C 21st March 2022
Muntjac class have been learning about perimeter and area this week. We enjoyed our practical work, which involved using whiteboard markers to draw on the tables!

W/C 28th February 2022
As part of our work on the environment, Muntjacs and Hedgehogs went litter picking around the village. We collected lots of litter and enjoyed spending some time outdoors!

W/C 7th February 2022
Muntjac class have been learning a short Sci-Fi story using Talk for Writing. They are in the process of writing them up on Chromebooks, with the aim of making the stories their own.

W/C 31st January 2022
Muntjac class have continued their #unfoldtheuniverse art this week. Here are some of the finished pieces!

W/C 17th January 2022
Muntjac class were inspired by the gratitude swirls shown in assembly this week, so they created their own in RE.

W/C 10th January 2022
Muntjac class have been really excited to learn about the James Webb telescope this week. As part of the #unfoldtheuniverse art project, we made mood boards based on what we thought the telescope might discover.

W/C 15th November 2021
The Year 6 children in Muntjac Class were very excited to meet their Hedgehog buddies this week. We walked alongside them on a Children in Need ramble on Friday, which was really enjoyable!
We've also been working very hard in Maths, using bar modelling to change improper fractions to mixed numbers.

W/C 8th November 2021
Muntjacs went to church on Friday to pay their respects for Remembrance Day. We gathered around the memorial plaque, which honours the soldiers from the parish who lost their lives in World War I. We read the poem ‘In Flanders Field’ by John McCrae, shared prayers that the children had written in English and planted crosses in the pathway leading to the church.
The children behaved impeccably and did a brilliant job of making sure the service was calm and respectful. Below is a picture from our visit, as well some examples of the prayers that were written.

Muntjac Class update WC 10th May 2021
Muntjac class have really enjoyed exploring our new class novel - The Boy at The Back of The Class', by Onjali Q Rauf. The story is told from the perspective of 9 year old Alexa, who is desperate to help a new boy at her school who has arrived in the UK from war-torn Syria, without any family to help him. Muntjacs have tackled this challenging text and the themes within it with confidence and maturity.
3 New School Rules:
Our assemblies this week have focused on launching our new school rules - Love, Trust & Respect. These are deliberately short, simple, positive and memorable for the children.
Creative Maths:
In maths this week we have been learning about geometry and angles. On Monday, we had fun drawing on the tables and creating beautiful geometric angle animals!
Muntjac class have been learning about Greek Artwork, and enjoyed creating their very own masterpieces....