Menu wef 24.02.2025 Spring Term
Chinese New Year Tuesday 28.01.2025
Jingle Week Menus week commencing 16.12.2024
Autumn Term wef 4th November 2024
Summer Term from 15.04.2024
World Book Day 07.03.2024
Chinese New Year Lunch Friday 09.02.2024
Winter Menus 2023- From Tuesday 31.10.23
World Food Day Lunch Mon 16.10.23
World Space Week- Out of this World Lunch Friday 06.10.23
Roald Dahl Story Day Lunch 13.09.23
Lunch Menus Summer 2023 and Autumn 2023
Dinners are free for children in Foundation and Key Stage 1 (Reception to Year 2), and £2.15 for children in Key Stage 2 (Year 3 - 6).
Please ensure you pay for your child's dinners on your ParentPay account - Thank you.
Below are the menus for school lunches from 05.09.2022 - 20.10.2022
We will be starting on week 1.