Jingle Week Menus week commencing 16.12.2024
Autumn Term wef 4th November 2024
Summer Term from 15.04.2024
World Book Day 07.03.2024
Chinese New Year Lunch Friday 09.02.2024
Winter Menus 2023- From Tuesday 31.10.23
World Food Day Lunch Mon 16.10.23
World Space Week- Out of this World Lunch Friday 06.10.23
Roald Dahl Story Day Lunch 13.09.23
Lunch Menus Summer 2023 and Autumn 2023
Dinners are free for children in Foundation and Key Stage 1 (Reception to Year 2), and £2.15 for children in Key Stage 2 (Year 3 - 6).
Please ensure you pay for your child's dinners on your ParentPay account - Thank you.
Below are the menus for school lunches from 05.09.2022 - 20.10.2022
We will be starting on week 1.