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St Giles' C of E Primary School

Hedgehog Class News (Reception Year)

Weekly Update 04.10.23

We have been reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. In Art we made our own beanstalks using our handprints and then tissue paper for the stalk.

We also really loved our first Forest School session at Wiggery Wood! We explored the area, found insects, swung in the hammock, dug holes and lots more!

Weekly Update 29.09.23

This week our focus story has been The Three Little Pigs. After reading the story, we created our own 'Huff and Puff' pictures which are blow paintings.

We also had some shared reading time with our buddies from Muntjac class.

We practiced our cutting skills and dressed The Three Little Pigs.

We also did some baking this week and made biscuits! We talked about germs and the importance of always washing our hands, especially before cooking and eating.

Weekly Update 20.09.23

This week we have been reading the story Little Red Riding Hood. As an adult led activity, we cut out some pictures of food and stuck them onto Red Riding Hood's basket. We did well with our cutting and sticking skills.

In Maths we counted objects into a basket. We needed to count carefully.

Here are some photos of us exploring provision inside and out this week.

Hedgehog Class 2023-24


We have really enjoyed our first two weeks in school. We have settled really well and have enjoying exploring the classroom environment, inside and out. We have met our buddies who are in Year 6 and they help us get used to school life, especially lunchtimes.

Our focus story this week is Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We even made porridge today as a healthy snack to try.

Weekly Update 14.07.23

The last few weeks we have been reading the stories of Elmer. We have been discussing the differences between us and our friends and how this makes us unique. We did some lovely writing about this which is on display in the hall now.

We then focused on repeating patterns and had a go at making some repeating patterns using the beads and string together first, and then used this skill when making our own sponge painted Elmer.

On Wednesday we had our final Wiggery Wood session. We have loved our Forest School times with Terry and we finished in the best way, with a fire and s'mores! 

In Maths we have been learning measurement and on Thursday we made our own playdough with Mrs Plumb! We had a great time weighing out the ingredients and mixing it together, we even got to take it home afterwards smiley

On Tuesday we went for a walk around the village in the sunshine and then finished off in the new play area over the field. We had a great afternoon.

Look How We've Grown!

Hedgehog Class 2022-23 is now coming to an end. We are so proud of the progress the children have made this year and it has been a pleasure to teach them. We are looking forward to seeing them flourish in the rest of their school journey.

Update 30.06.23

A few photos from our busy last few weeks.

We have been learning our number bonds to 10. We did this practically with the Numicon and then had a go at writing our own number sentences.

We have been reading The Gruffalo and learning about different woodland animals. We then painted our own woodland landscape.

We also had fun at Wiggery Wood this week. We worked on our balancing skills by walking along rope which was attached to the trees!

Weekly Update 16.06.23

This week we have continued reading The Tiger Who Came to Tea and are really starting to learn the story. We then chose a picture from the book which we wanted to write about and wrote our own sentence. We are really starting to write independently now with only a little bit of support.


We had an amazing Sports Day and tried so hard, even though it was so warm! Well done to everyone who did their best. We cooled off with an ice lolly afterwards smiley

Finally, here are some photos from our tea party last Friday. Mr Golbourn accepted our invitations and came to have a cake with us!

Weekly Update 09.06.23

This week we have been reading The Tiger Who Came to Tea. We wrote our own tea party invitations to Mr Golbourn, we hope he comes to our party on Friday! 

We did some cooking this week. We made cupcakes on Monday with Mrs Hornabrook. They were delicious! 

This week with Mrs Plumb we have started to learn our number bonds to 5. We used the numicon to support us with this.

We also had a fun technology afternoon this week. We learnt position and direction with the Beebots, especially our left and rights. We also had our first go on the Chrome books - turning them on, using the mouse and typing our names. We also learnt how technology has changed over the years.

Weekly Update 26.05.23

This week we have continued our letter writing learning. We have written letters to Paddington with the focus on asking questions. We tried to write a question in our letter, and some of the questions children asked were, do you like London? Are you going back to Peru?

We have also been learning about animal habitats and sorting animals depending on their homes. We sorted farm animals and jungle/rainforest animals.

In Maths we have been learning prepositional language such as, below, above, between, next to etc. We then consolidated this learning in our continuous provision outside. Some of us wanted to tell our friend an instruction and they needed to follow it using the new language we had learnt! 

Weekly Update 17.05.23

This week we have continued our learning about the rainforest and exploring the sort of habitat this is. We enjoyed making rainforest animal masks in our choosing time too. 

We have been learning about the journey of letters once they are posted in a postbox and what happens next. We have written our own postcards to our families and walked down to the local postbox to post them yesterday. Keep an eye on your mail! 

We had another lovely session at Wiggery Wood today. We boiled water in a storm kettle and used this to make hot chocolate! It was delicious and a lovely treat.

Weekly Update 11.05.23

We have enjoyed painting rainforest animals this week and we are really making progress with our colour mixing skills smiley

We are beginning to write independent sentences. This week we wrote some sentences about the Paddington picture.

We had a great time at Wiggery Wood this week. The bluebells were even more beautiful than last time we saw them. We also had great fun having a tug of war with a long piece of rope! Some of us also chose to make our own magic wands by carefully using a peeler to peel elder wood and then decorating it with wool and colouring pens.

Weekly Update 05.05.23

It's been a short, but fun filled week this week. We have been busy learning about the King's Coronation, and this linked really well to Paddington and when he went to Buckingham Palace to meet the Queen! To celebrate the Coronation we have been making our school look pretty, we decorated our own crowns and stuck them in our classroom window.

We also made our own Union Jack flags by using our finger painting skills. We had to follow the instructions carefully to put our fingers in the right places to created the desired effect. 

Following on from Paddington and the Coronation celebrations, such as tea parties and picnics etc, we made our own sandwiches. Either jam or marmalade.

We did well with our spreading and cutting skills.

With the lovely weather this week we have enjoyed getting outside in our garden area and playing in the mud kitchen, building a castle with spare cardboard boxes and making an ice cream shop in the sand tray.


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